HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices


At NeuroHealth Treatment Center, we are committed to protecting your privacy. This Notice of Privacy Practices outlines how we may use and disclose your protected health information (PHI) and details your rights under HIPAA and state laws. It also describes the privacy policies and procedures in place to ensure your PHI is handled with care, including the usage of SMS communication. Please read this Notice carefully to understand our practices. This is not a comprehensive description of your rights, nor is it legal advice.

We may update this Notice as required by law. You may request the latest version at any time.


Without your authorization, we may use and disclose your PHI in the following circumstances:

1. To You: We may disclose your PHI directly to you.

2. Treatment, Payment, Health Care Operations: We may use and disclose your PHI for treatment, payment, and health care operations, including sharing with other providers or health plans involved in your care.

3. Uses and Disclosures with Opportunity to Agree or Object: We may ask for your permission to use or disclose your PHI or make decisions based on your best interests if you're unable to do so.

4. Incidental Use and Disclosure: We may use or disclose your PHI incidentally during permitted activities, ensuring all necessary safeguards are in place.

5. Public Interest and Benefit Activities: HIPAA allows us to disclose PHI for specific public interest purposes, such as when required by law.

6. Limited Data Set: We may use or disclose a limited data set, from which certain identifiers have been removed, for research, health care operations, and public health purposes.

7. SMS Messaging and Communication: We may use your PHI for appointment reminders, treatment notifications, billing updates, or health-related information through SMS messages. This communication may include appointment confirmations, reminders, payment reminders, or other relevant notifications. These communications are sent in compliance with HIPAA regulations, and appropriate safeguards are in place to protect your information.


Your written authorization is required for any use or disclosure of your PHI not covered in Section II above. If we wish to use or disclose your PHI for any other purpose, we will obtain your authorization before doing so. Your care will not be affected by your refusal to provide authorization.


We have implemented policies and procedures to protect your PHI:

1. Staff Training and Management: Our staff is trained to safeguard your PHI. Staff members are prohibited from discussing your care with anyone outside of permitted circumstances. Violations of these confidentiality obligations are addressed appropriately.

2. Limiting Uses and Disclosures to the Minimum Necessary: We make every effort to use, disclose, and request only the minimum amount of PHI necessary for the intended purpose.

3. SMS Messaging Safeguards: All SMS communications sent to you are done in accordance with HIPAA regulations and are protected by safeguards such as encryption where applicable. We ensure that all SMS messages contain only the minimum necessary information.

4. Mitigation: We will mitigate any harmful effects caused by the unauthorized use or disclosure of your PHI by our staff or business associates.


You have the following rights regarding your PHI:

1. Access: You have the right to review and obtain a copy of your PHI, except in certain circumstances (e.g., psychotherapy notes or lab results restricted by law). In cases where access is denied, you may request a review by a licensed health care professional.

2. Amendment: You have the right to request an amendment to your PHI if it is inaccurate or incomplete. If we deny your request, we will provide a written denial and allow you to submit a statement of disagreement.

3. Disclosure Accounting: You have the right to request an accounting of disclosures of your PHI made in the past six years, with certain exceptions.

4. Restriction Request: You may request restrictions on how we use or disclose your PHI, although we are not required to agree to all requests. If we agree, we must comply with the agreed restrictions, except in emergencies.

5. Confidential Communication Requirements: You may request alternative methods or locations for receiving communications from us regarding your PHI. This includes communication via SMS, email, or other preferred methods.

6. SMS Opt-Out: If you no longer wish to receive SMS notifications or messages, you can opt out at any time by replying “STOP” to any message. We will cease further SMS communication, except where required for critical communications, such as appointment reminders.


If you have questions, concerns, or complaints about our privacy practices, please contact our Privacy Officer in writing at:

NeuroHealth Treatment Center
1212 East Broward Blvd, Suite 204
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Email: info@neurohealthtreatment.com

We will acknowledge receipt of your correspondence and respond after conducting an appropriate review.